Meta Lavender Magic Spray
Use this product if: Your'e a human with skin. Your epidermis is showing, spray yourself before you play yourself.I dubbed this product Magic Spray because I was astounded Burns, cuts, scrapes (both open and closed) bug bites, diaper rash, sunburn, skin inflamation, blisters, razor burn, cold sores, hives, chicken pox, scars, stretch marks, varicose viens, bunions, itching (including poision ivy, and oak), road rash, rug burn, paper cuts.
Spray this and: Insects will bite you less. Bruises will heal faster. You can clean your bathroom with it. You can clean your dogs ears with it (spray it on a cloth first). So it's an incredible useful thing to keep in the proverbial cupboard.
This product is attempting to serve three main functions. When you get out of a hot shower, your pores will be very open. Help your skin out, and spray your entire body down with Magic product to tighten the pores back up and help them stay clean (more on this below). Or maybe theres no shower today, you're busy with [insert your responsibilities here]. Protect your skin, spray up, lotion up. Or maybe there's no leaving the house today, your'e just sitting at home, with no paper cuts or poison oak or no nothin'. Think about the future. se the spray as part of a daily routine to have skin that ages more slowly. You win! Anti-aging is the main
Does this sound sus? That's okay Socrates! I'll keep talking skincare until you turn to Plato. You better call Alice, 'cause the light is down these rabbitholes.
Due to red tape, I can't claim that this is a treatment for Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Psoriasis, or Dermatitis. I understand the value of regulating such claims, but in the same palm I can't help but feel like something is suspicious, because it's largely synthetic and pharmacutical options that establish rights to make claims, while natural options (like witch hazel and lavender) that are so well established as being efficacious against the symptoms of these diseases are left out in the cold.